In Eternal Stillness

Sometimes in life time stops

your indrawn breath the moment

you see the Nike as you turn your

head to look at something else

along that long hall or rising up

out of the harbor wings lifted

in eternal stillness the

voice you surmise

shouting through

her cupped hand

you barely notice

their absence


Like moonlight on this tidal pool

mirroring, doubling, reversing

long-fingered anemones combing

furred sea moss starfish clutching

stars expand contract like

breath drawn in moonlight

drawn by moon still and moving

hidden and showy chips of

light through which to see

the world reversed another

revealed encapsulate

under the skin of

the photo a flick

of sea-green hair

thumbprint of

light blur

of stilled


Showy chips of light through which to see the world reversed - Photo by Barb Toyama

Showy chips of light through which to see the world reversed - Photo by Barb Toyama

Mirroring, doubling, reversing - Photo by Willy Wilson

Mirroring, doubling, reversing - Photo by Willy Wilson

Eternal Stillness - Photo by Jennifer Kapala

Eternal Stillness - Photo by Jennifer Kapala


A Trick Of Light


Toward The Camera